Graphic Designer & Illustrator
CR AX Booth Front.png

Anime Expo Booth

Anime Expo Booth 2016

Anime Expo is the largest anime and manga convention in North America held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The event consists of many fans of anime and manga who are able to share their interest within the Japanese content world. 

Members included:
Mason Koo. Senior Art Director


I was given the honor to develop Crunchyroll's 2016 booth graphics. The booth was a 40'x40' area that had two rooms (storage and store)- space in the front for other marketing material, line space for fans to purchase at the built in store and a line to sign up for a premium membership. The center back panel was used for interviews and social space.


Live Stage

2016's convention was the second year Crunchyroll has made presence and wanted to make a larger presence than last year. We were given stage space for live panels and interviews of directors and executives of favorite anime titles. The backdrop was nearly 20ft high and wide with Crunchyroll branding. This is probably the largest file I have ever worked with but thankfully printed and executed well with the help of Crunchyroll's convention team.